Ideal Technology, Inc.

Control Systems and Automation

Control your automation system from a single pane of glass. Ideal Technology makes business automation simple and more elegant by consolidating existing automation systems into a single platform for users to control.

Control systems and automation are essential in maximizing your automation investment — consolidating robust feature sets into a single, easy-to-use place makes multitasking efficient and easy.

Crème De La Crème of control systems

Temperature control, light dimming, physical security, camera adjustments and more can happen from one place. The future of the workplace is now at your fingertips with intelligent devices that automate and enhance any commercial setting. 

From boardrooms, classrooms, or dining rooms, you can create an environment where employees are productive members of their company rather than mere tools for production. 

We partner with several solution offerings like Crestron and Savant to provide you with the Crème De La Crème of control systems. Our control systems seamlessly integrate with our other video solutions, too. Our developers are provided ongoing training and certifications from our partner vendors to ensure you’re given the very best service out the gate.

Ready to Speak with an Expert?

Struggling to manage your business-critical systems while meeting the demands of day-to-day business? Talk to an Ideal Technology expert now, or request a custom quote.